


「もしも地球から音楽おんがくが消えてしまったら…?」” What if music disappeared from Earth? “


つぎの瞬間、「こわい・・」という感 情かんじょういてきました。



広島ひろしまに住んでいると、平 和へいわについてかんがえる機会きかい自 然しぜんおおくなります。

日本にほんはいま世界せかいもっとも治安のい国になり、ゆたかで平 和へいわらしをするなかで、

二度にど戦 争せんそう経験けいけんすることはないだろう、とかんがえていました。



イスラエル・ハマス戦 争せんそう、ロシア・ウクライナ戦 争せんそう・・・世界せかい戦 争せんそうが絶えません。

どもたちが戦 争せんそうき込まれているニュースを、




では、戦 争せんそうくすことは永久に不 可 能ふかのうなのか?

毎日まいにち音 楽おんがくれているわたしたちの答は、はっきりしています。





憎しみの感 情かんじょうることがありますか? そんなことはありませんよね。

音楽おんがく自 然しぜん笑 顔えがおみちびし、

心 身しんしん健康けんこうにしてくれる「人間にんげんが発明した誇るべき活動かつどう」なのです。



音楽おんがく共感きょうかんの力こそが戦 争せんそうを和解へと導く。




実 際じっさい音楽おんがく活動かつどうをしていると、ほかひとたちとつながっているようにかんじ、





大 好だいすきな音楽おんがくとおして、だれかのやくちたい!

そして、世界せかい平 和へいわつなげたい!




ドラえもんバイオリン 安田やすだ女子じょし大学だいがく

   出演 : WTさん / AKさん / STさん / NTくん




What if music disappeared from Earth?


I was confused by this question, which I had never thought of before, and I thought “What?“ And the next moment I was very scared. 


It has been 80 years since the atomic bomb was dropped. But we live in Hiroshima and we often think about peace naturally. Japan is now one of the safest countries in the world.  We live a rich and peaceful life, so we thought we would never experience war again. But is that just an illusion...?


Israel-Hamas war, Russia-Ukraine war, etc. There is no end to wars in the world. I never thought I would see news stories about children being involved in wars every day. Even at the G7 meeting, where the leaders of various countries gathered in Hiroshima,

there was no discussion about the abolition of nuclear weapons.


Is it impossible to eliminate war forever? Because we are exposed to music every day, the answer is clear.  We can definitely say that it is possible to eliminate war. The reason is that if there is music, there are no conflicts.


Do you hate anyone when listening to music, playing an instrument, or singing? That is unbelievable. Music naturally make you smile. And it is a “proud activity invented by humans” that improves physical and mental health.


Musicians Without Borders (MwB), headquartered in Amsterdam, also says the following: Music has the power of empathy and it leads wars to reconciliation. After just a few days of music lessons, rival tribes came to accept each other, some formed bands.


In fact, when I'm involved in music activities, I feel like I'm connected to other people, and all my painful emotions go away. Feeling like that, we always play music. We play music not just because we love music, but also with various emotions.


We want to help others through our favorite music!

And we want to connect it to world peace! 

Because the power of music is really amazing...